Through the Hay House virtual summit I learned about Manifestation Meditation. This method is widely used by almost every Guru in the spiritual world because the success rates are unmatched. Everyone will have their own version of how go about it, but this is how I started making things happen in the real world. If you’re new and need guidance to help get you through, there are meditations on Spotify and Youtube. These are especially helpful since as soon as we lay down, our brains are hardwired to think about anything else in the entire world we could be doing. Practice will help diminish the overthinking…most days.
1. This goes for any type of meditation. Make sure you’re in a quite room where you’re not going to be interrupted. I usually have the room lit with just my salt lamp so it’s not as bright and distracting. Be careful with this technique though, if you’re tired you will fall asleep. You should be allowing at least five to ten minutes to yourself.
2. Lay down in a comfortable position or sit straight up in a chair. Either position you choose, have your feet are planted towards the Earth. Rest your hands on your belly or your lap.Take three breaths in through your nose and out through your mouth. Make sure it’s a deep breath through your belly and not too shallow in your chest.
3. Now it’s time to visualize. Pick a goal, dream, place or thing you want in your life. Make it perfectly clear and imagine it’s happening right now. All the way down to what you would be wearing, doing or eating when you achieve that goal. Picture the dream you want happening for you in so much detail that even after it happens, you know what your next bucket list item is. Allow yourself to go big, if you think small you will receive small. How does your goal affect others? Visualize others happiness when you finally get what you asked for. For me, I know once I achieve certain goals, that I can help others achieve theirs, that’s what makes me feel the best.
4. This is the important part, feel it. The body doesn’t know the difference between a thought and an experience. That’s how we can heal our physical ailments through mindset changes. When you feel the happiness, joy, excitement, and passion of your goals and dreams happening. That’s when they do. Give yourself time to feel yourself traveling to your dream destination, or getting that promotion you worked incredibly hard for. When you feel it, you won’t only put it out in the Universe to happen, you’ll feel powerful once your meditation is over.
5. Once you find you’re getting shifty or thoughts of your to-do list are starting to creep back in, allow yourself to start coming back into the present moment. Wiggle your toes and fingers and stretch. Open your eyes and sit up slowly, you may feel a little sleepy since this type of meditation brings you into a Theta Brainwave (Theta is a brainwave we hit right before we fall asleep and is present when we first wake up in the morning). If you’re tight on time, you may want to set an alarm for an extended amount of time so you’re not worrying about running late the entire time. I always have my journal next to me to free write anything I may want to get off my chest!
Brain scans have proven that your productivity post meditation can increase by 500%. Why aren’t we all doing this yet? If you want accountability and to see results quicker you can join in a group meditation, and don’t forget to feel gratitude and compassion for what you have already. These are non- negotiable, you have to be happy now to get what you want later.
I started this in April and have been making things happen for myself ever since. It’s incredible what the Universe provides when all you have to do is ask. Meditation is not only amazing for relaxation but it can also provide answers. Once you have done it enough, listen for thoughts, ideas or dreams you never would have had before. Trust that if I can find the time, energy and dedication to sit down ten to thirty minutes a day to create a better life for myself. So can you.